meaning of hypoic

1. Hypochondria.
Sodium hyposulphite, or thiosulphate, a solution of which is used as a bath to wash out the unchanged silver salts in a picture.
a piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections

Related Words

hypo | hypo- | hypo-eutectoid steel | hypoactive | hypoadrenalism | hypoadrenocorticism | hypoaria | hypoarian | hypoarion | hypobasidium | hypobetalipoproteinemia | hypoblast | hypoblastic | hypobole | hypobranchial | hypocalcaemia | hypocalcemia | hypocapnia | hypocarp | hypocarpium | hypocarpogean | hypocaust | hypocellularity | hypochaeris | hypochaeris radicata | hypochlorite | hypochlorous | hypochlorous acid | hypochoeris | hypochondres |

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