meaning of hense
1. The female of the domestic fowl; also, the female of grouse, pheasants, or any kind of birds; as, the heath hen; the gray hen.
2. female of certain aquatic animals e. g. octopus or lobster
Related Words
hen | hen harrier | hen hawk | hen of the woods | hen party | hen yard | hens-foot | hen-hearted | hen-of-the-woods | hen-peck | henbane | henbit | hence | henceforth | henceforward | henchboy | henchman | hencoop | hende | hendecagon | hendecane | hendecasyllabic | hendecasyllable | hendecatoic | hendiadys | hendrik antoon lorentz | hendrik frensch verwoerd | hendrik petrus berlage | hendrik verwoerd | hendrix |