meaning of hawk2
1. A hedge; an inclosed garden or yard.
2. The fruit of the hawthorn.
3. The third eyelid, or nictitating membrane. See Nictitating membrane, under Nictitate.
4. An intermission or hesitation of speech, with a sound somewhat like haw! also, the sound so made.
5. To stop, in speaking, with a sound like haw; to speak with interruption and hesitation.
6. To turn to the near side, or toward the driver; -- said of cattle or a team: a word used by teamsters in guiding their teams, and most frequently in the imperative. See Gee.
7. To cause to turn, as a team, to the near side, or toward the driver; as, to haw a team of oxen.
8. the nictitating membrane of a horse
Related Words
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