meaning of grind3
1. A snare; a gin.
2. To show the teeth, as a dog; to snarl.
3. To set the teeth together and open the lips, or to open the mouth and withdraw the lips from the teeth, so as to show them, as in laughter, scorn, or pain.
4. To express by grinning.
5. The act of closing the teeth and showing them, or of withdrawing the lips and showing the teeth; a hard, forced, or sneering smile.
6. a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement
Related Words
grin | grind | grind away | grind crank | grind down | grind organ | grind out | grind to a halt | grinded | grindelia | grindelia robusta | grindelia squarrosa | grinder | grindery | grinding | grinding wheel | grindingly | grindle | grindlet | grindstone | gringo | grinned | grinner | grinning | grinningly | grint | grinte | grinting |