meaning of elect2

1. A large, coarse herb (Inula Helenium), with composite yellow flowers. The root, which has a pungent taste, is used as a tonic, and was formerly of much repute as a stomachic.
A sweetmeat made from the root of the plant.
tall coarse Eurasian herb having daisylike yellow flowers with narrow petals whose rhizomatous roots are used medicinally

Related Words

elecampane | elect | electant | electary | elected | elected official | electer | electic | electicism | electing | election | election commission | election day | election district | election fraud | electioneer | electioneerer | electioneering | electionered | elective | electively | elector | electoral | electoral college | electoral system | electorality | electorate | electoress | electorial | electorship |

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