meaning of deal3

1. DEA Data Encryption Algorithm DEACON Direct English Access and CONtrol. English-like query system. Sammet 1969, p. 668. dead 1. Non-functional; down; crashed. Especially used of hardware. 2. At XEROX PARC, software that is working but not undergoing continued development and support. [Jargon File] DEADBEEF storage> /ded-beef/ The hexadecimal pattern used to fill words of freshly allocated memory under a number of IBM environments including the RS/6000; equal to decimal 3,735,928,559 unsigned or -559,038,737 32-bit signed. As in "Your program is DEADBEEF" meaning gone, aborted, flushed from memory.
federal agency responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances; goal is to immobilize drug trafficking organizations

Related Words

dea | deaccession | deacon | deaconess | deaconhood | deaconry | deaconship | deactivate | deactivation | dead | dead ahead | dead air | dead animal | dead axle | dead body | dead center | dead centre | dead code | dead drop | dead duck | dead end | dead hand | dead hand of the past | dead heat | dead language | dead letter | dead load | dead mail | dead march | dead metaphor |

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