meaning of consigns
1. To give, transfer, or deliver, in a formal manner, as if by signing over into the possession of another, or into a different state, with the sense of fixedness in that state, or permanence of possession; as, to consign the body to the grave.
2. To give in charge; to commit; to intrust.
3. To send or address (by bill of lading or otherwise) to an agent or correspondent in another place, to be cared for or sold, or for the use of such correspondent; as, to consign a cargo or a ship; to consign goods.
4. To assign; to devote; to set apart.
5. To stamp or impress; to affect.
6. To submit; to surrender or yield ones self.
7. To yield consent; to agree; to acquiesce.
8. give over to another for care or safekeeping; "consign your
Related Words
consign | consignatary | consignation | consignatory | consignature | consigne | consigned | consignee | consigner | consignificant | consignification | consignificative | consignify | consigning | consignment | consignor |