meaning of codds
1. A husk; a pod; as, a peascod.
2. A small bag or pouch.
3. The scrotum.
4. A pillow or cushion.
5. An important edible fish (Gadus morrhua), taken in immense numbers on the northern coasts of Europe and America. It is especially abundant and large on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland. It is salted and dried in large quantities.
6. The liver of the common cod and allied species.
Related Words
cod | coda | codasyl | codder | codding | coddle | coddled | coddling | coddymoddy | code | code 2.0 | code division multiple access | code division multiplexing | code management | code police | code position | code segment | code walk | codebook | coded character set | codefendant | codeine | coder/decoder | codes | codetta | codewalker | codex | codfish | codger | codical |