meaning of chip7

1. CHI A wide spectrum language, the forerunner of Refine. "Research on Knowledge-Based Software Environments at Kestrel Institute", D. R. Smith et al, IEEE Trans Soft Eng, SE-1111 1985. Chicago Windows 95 chicken head The Commodore Business Machines logo, which strongly resembles a poultry part. Rendered in ASCII as "C=". With the arguable exception of the Amiga, Commodores computers are notoriously crocky little bitty boxes see also PETSCII. Thus, this usage may owe something to Philip K. Dicks novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" the basis for the movie "Blade Runner"; the novel is now sold under that title, in which a "chickenhead" is a mutant with below-average intelligence. [Jargon File] chicklet keyboard Its spelled "chiclet keyboard".
the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet

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