meaning of breeds
1. The lower part of the body behind; the buttocks.
2. Breeches.
3. The hinder part of anything; esp. , the part of a cannon, or other firearm, behind the chamber.
4. The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat.
5. To put into, or clothe with, breeches.
6. To cover as with breeches.
7. To fit or furnish with a breech; as, to breech a gun.
8. To whip on the breech.
9. To fasten with breeching.
10. Alt. of Breech screw
11. A strong iron or steel plug screwed into the breech of a musket or other firearm, to close the bottom of the bore.
12. A device attached to the breech of a firearm, to guide the eye, in conjunction with the front sight, in taking aim.
Related Words
breech | breech-loading | breechblock | breechcloth | breeched | breeches | breeching | breechloader | breed | breedbate | breede | breeder | breeding | breedle | breeze | breezeless | breeziness | breezy |