meaning of boat4
1. A genus of large American serpents, including the boa constrictor, the emperor boa of Mexico (B. imperator), and the chevalier boa of Peru (B. eques).
2. A long, round fur tippet; -- so called from its resemblance in shape to the boa constrictor.
3. A large and powerful serpent of tropical America, sometimes twenty or thirty feet long. See Illustration in Appendix.
4. BOA Basic Object Adapter boa [IBM] Any one of the fat cables that lurk under the floor in a dinosaur pen. Possibly so called because they display a ferocious life of their own when you try to lay them straight and flat after they have been coiled for some time. It is rumored within IBM that channel cables for the 370 are limited to 200 feet because beyond that length the boas get dangerous --- and it is worth noting that one of the major cable makers uses the trademark "Anaconda". [Jargon File] board 1. In-context synonym for bboard; sometimes used even for Usenet newsgroups. 2. An electronic circuit board. boat anchor 1. Like doorstop but more severe; implies that the offending hardware is irreversibly dead or useless. "That was a working motherboard once. One lightning strike later, instant boat anchor!" 2. A person who just takes up space. 3. Obsolete but still working hardware, especially when used of an old S100-bus hobbyist system; originally a term of annoyance, but became more and more affectionate as the hardware became more and more obsolete. [Jargon File] Bob David Betz. A tiny object-oriented language. ftp://ftp. mv. com/pub/ddj/packages/bob15. arc. [Dr Dobbs J, Sep 1991, p. 26]. Bobo the Webmonkey
5. any of several chiefly tropical constrictors with vestigial hind limbs
Related Words
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