meaning of bbk
1. is the second letter of the English alphabet. (See Guide to Pronunciation, // 196, 220. ) It is etymologically related to p, v, f, w and m , letters representing sounds having a close organic affinity to its own sound; as in Eng. bursar and purser; Eng. bear and Lat. ferre; Eng. silver and Ger. silber; Lat. cubitum and It. gomito; Eng. seven, Anglo-Saxon seofon, Ger. sieben, Lat. septem, Gr. "epta`, Sanskrit saptan. The form of letter B is Roman, from Greek B (Beta), of Semitic origin. The small b was formed by gradual change from the capital B.
2. b bit or maybe byte B.
Related Words
b | b-0 | b-flat clarinet | b-girl | b-horizon | b-line | b-meson | b-toolkit | b1ff | ba | baa | baaing | baal | baalim | baalism | baalist | baalite | baan | baas | baba | babbage | babbitt | babble | babbled | babblement | babbler | babblery | babbling | babe | babehood |