meaning of add2

1. A phrase used adjectively sometimes of meretricious attempts to catch or win popular favor.
Without limit; endlessly.
Meanwhile; temporary.
A phrase applied to an appeal or argument addressed to the principles, interests, or passions of a man.
At ones pleasure; as one wishes.
A term used to denote a duty or charge laid upon goods, at a certain rate per cent upon their value, as stated in their invoice, -- in opposition to a specific sum upon a given quantity or number; as, an ad valorem duty of twenty per cent.
AD Administrative Domain ad The country code for Andorra.
a public promotion of some product or service

Related Words

ad | ad agency | ad blitz | ad campaign | ad hoc | ad hominem | ad infinitum | ad interim | ad lib | ad libitum | ad nauseam | ad val | ad valorem | ad valorem tax | ad- | ad-lib | ada | ada 83 | ada 95 | ada++ | ada-scid | adact | adactyl | adactylia | adactylism | adactylous | adactyly | adad | adage | adagial |

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