meaning of durra

1. A kind of millet, cultivated throughout Asia, and introduced into the south of Europe; a variety of Sorghum vulgare; -- called also Indian millet, and Guinea corn.
Durra Description language for coarse-grained concurrency on heterogeneous processors. "Durra: A Task-level Description Language", M. R. Barbacci et al, CMU/SEI-86-TR-3, CMU 1986. dusty deck Old software especially applications which one is obliged to remain compatible with, or to maintain. DP types call this "legacy code", a term hackers consider smarmy and excessively reverent. The term implies that the software in question is a holdover from card-punch days. Used especially when referring to old scientific and number crunching software, much of which was written in Fortran and very poorly documented but is believed to be too expensive to replace. See fossil; compare crawling horror. [Jargon File] DV cartridge Digital Video? A plug-in circuit cartridge required by some games consoles in order to play MPEG video material.
sorghums of dry regions of Asia and North Africa

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